Boarding Rates
Boarding charges are calculated by day, similar to human hotels. Clients are charged for a full day the day/night they check their pet in, regardless of the check in time. Clients who check out by or before our check out time (11:00 AM) on normal business days will not be charged for that day. Clients who check out after 11:00 AM are charged for the full day.
Most clients pay when they pick their pets up. However, you can choose to pre-pay when you arrive. We accept credit and debit cards, cash, and travelers checks. We do not accept personal checks.
Also, similar to human hotels that charge more for larger rooms, boarding clients are charged for the size of the run rented. We presently offer three size kennel runs. Small runs housing a single dog are rented for $30.00 per day and large runs housing a single dog are rented for $35.00 per day. Giant (extra large) runs housing a single dog are rented for $38.00 per day. Other per day or per incident charges may apply. For example, holiday rates are an additional $2.00 per day, per pet above the normal daily rate.
Clients who check out by 11:00 AM on normal business days will not be charged for that day
Run information coming soon.
Holiday Premium Dates
Holiday Rates ($2.00 extra per dog per day) will be charged for the following Holiday/Premium Periods:
Spring Break Period
Memorial Day Period
Independence Day Period
Labor Day Period
Thanksgiving Period
Christmas/New Years Period
Holiday Rates are in effect for the entire holiday period. For example: The Thanksgiving holiday period runs from the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to the Sunday after. Please be sure that you thoroughly read our holiday cancellation policy before making Holiday reservations. In addition to Holiday periods, we also charge an additional $2.00 per pet, per day for other premium time periods, such as spring break. We have provided a comprehensive list of Holiday Hours and Premium Dates which are subject to this charge.
Spring Break PeriodPremium Dates
Memorial Day PeriodPremium Dates
Memorial DayHoliday Date
Fourth of July PeriodPremium Dates
Independence DayHoliday Date
Labor Day PeriodPremium Dates
Labor DayHoliday Date
Thanksgiving PeriodPremium Dates
Thanksgiving DayHoliday Date
Christmas & New Year's PeriodPremium Dates
Christmas EveHoliday Date
Christmas DayHoliday Date
New Year's EveHoliday Date
New Year's DayHoliday Date
You may also be charged for:
Special medical attention
Special food preparation or additional feedings
Special services
Laundry service fee
After hours service
Holiday Rates
We offer discounts for multiple pets belonging to the same family when the dogs stay in the same run. We charge the daily rate for the run plus $20.00 extra per roommate.
See a few boarding examples below:
Large run used to house three small dogs
$75.00 per day
$35.00 + $20.00 + $20.00
A small run used to house three small dogs
$70.00 per day
$30.00 + $20.00 + $20.00
A large run used to house two large dogs
$ 50.00 per day
$35.00 + $20.00
Premium and holiday rates will be applied to discounted dogs should the dog occupy a run during these dates.
Gillette Kennels reserves the right to determine if dogs housed in the same run are suited for multi-pet accommodations. When pets are extremely active, aggressive, or messy, it is not to their benefit to house them together. Our primary concern is the comfort, health, and well-being of pets in our care. Overcrowding, (boarding too many dogs together) is an invitation to health and sanitation problems that we make every effort to prevent. Under no circumstances will we board more that three small dogs or two large dogs (over 40 LBS) in a single run.
We also offer a 10% discount to clients who board a dog for an extended stay.
The 10% discount applies to boarding rates ONLY, and does not extend to “special services.” Clients who contract for an extended stay must prepay 50% of the boarding charge. Any client that contracts for an extended stay and picks up early will be charged the lesser of the entire discounted booked reservation, or the present daily rate for entire period that the dog was boarded. We will also charge our daily rate for any additional days that a discounted dog is boarded after the scheduled departure date. Premium and holiday rates will be applied to discounted dogs should the dog occupy a run during these dates.